Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The first attempten on a face

So hopefully it's recognizable. Minu herself says so but I'm not too sure. It's funny how much of a difference it makes when you move to drawing people. It requires incomparably more precision and the result never looks that good and by far not realistic. When compared to the duck for example it cost me more than 10 times the effort and while the duck was done very quickly doing just scribbles according to the photograph, it still looks quite "realistic" meaning that one doesn't question the details and just takes them fore granted. All of the feathers and the head... I guess that animals aren't too important for our brain after all. :-D

More animals

Well, a duck and a goat, what can I say? :-D

The fancy camel

The first thing I decided to draw after a while was a camel, because my friends call me that, the reason being me drinking too much.